Official statement of the Office of the Prime Minister regarding declaration of an emergency situation in Thailand (unofficial translation)

Official statement of the Office of the Prime Minister regarding declaration of an emergency situation in Thailand (unofficial translation)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 28 Mar 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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          The Declaration of Emergency Situation is in accordance with the existing law in force since B.E. 2548 (2005) and due to the present situation of the outbreak of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). The Government has correspondingly applied measure to prevent, suppress, and delay the outbreak as well as to create awareness and understanding among the public.      

           At present, it is agreed by all that situation has elevated to the point that warrants the implementation of measure to the highest level, in order for the State to enforce additional measures. The Government therefore had to declare an emergency situation in avoidance any risks thereby providing reassurance to performing officials and easing the anxiety of the public. The declaration will authorise Gen Prayut to chair the centre to fight the virus, with the permanent secretaries of public health, interior, commerce and foreign affairs to help him. The supreme commander of the armed forces has been given responsibility for security affairs.
           The Government will consider the adoption of only measures that are necessary, following the medical and public health recommendation, in order to prevent and suppress the spread of the disease. Regulations will be issued in the form of certain prohibitions and guideline such as prohibitions from entering or leaving certain areas, prohibitions or limitations from entering or departing the Kingdom and the movement of large numbers of people across various areas, the control of the use of vehicles, transportation routes and the control of goods and medical supplies.
The emergency situation will remain   for a certain period of time but not exceeding a period of three months as prescribed by law and may be extended if situation requires.
           The Government would like to ask the public to trust the country’s public health system and to take care of their health because being without disease is considered a true blessing. Please cooperate with the authorities by strictly complying with measures and medical recommendations, as well as follow up on information through official channels indicating reliable and referable sources.  


