Importation of live animals into Thailand

Importation of live animals into Thailand

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 21 Nov 2012

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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The preliminary details and requirements for importation of live animals into the Kingdom of Thailand

Pre-Import Process:

1. An importer or any person wishing to import live animals into the Kingdom of Thailand should receive an Import Permit from the Department of Livestock Development (DLD) prior to an importation.

2. The importer should contact a veterinary official at the International Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) at the port of entry, and request for information on protocol and animal health requirement of importation of live animals into Thailand.

3. The importer should personally submit an application request (Form No 1/1) to import live animals into the country to an AQS veterinary official, at least 15 days prior to an importation. The application should be attached with a copy of the importer's identification card. Alternatively, the importer could appoint a representative to submit the application, in writing, and attach copies of identification cards of the importer and of the representative.

4. The DLD authority will examine animal disease status of the country of origin as may be necessary before an issuance of Import Permit which will include an appropriate animal health requirement. The animal health requirements for importation of live animals into Thailand shall be periodically revised to cope with the present situation and/or the current animal disease status.

5. The importer should send the Import Permit to a veterinary authority of the country of origin in order to prepare, inspect, test, and certify those imported animals in compliance with the animal health requirement set by DLD.

6. The importer should confirm an exact date of arrival of the imported animals to an AQS veterinary official at the port of entry to prepare all facilities concerned, at least 3 days in advance.


Process at the time of Import:

1. The AQS veterinary official is authorized to issue a preliminary import license (Form No 6) shortly at the time of importation for customs formalities.
An official health certificate, in English, issued by a duly veterinary authority of the country of origin for the imported animals should also be presented to an AQS veterinary official before general inspection of the imported animals upon arrival.

2. In case the imported animals are imported for breeding purposes, pedigree certificate or other evidence should be presented to a veterinary official of the AQS to check for import fee exemption

3. The importer should attach a copy of an Invoice which indicates the price of imported animals or Price List, Packing List, Air Waybill / Bill of Lading and etc. to the application.

4. The importer must pay an import fee as prescribed by the Ministerial Regulation , which was issued in accordance with the animal Epidemics Act B.E. 2499 (1956)

Post-Import Process:

1. The animals are moved to quarantine facilities after general examination on arrival. During quarantine period, samples from all imported animals shall be collected for countercheck or tested for certain diseases as prescribed.

2. In case that the imported animals are sick or die while traveling or in quarantine, all concerned parties should be notified immediately. The AQS veterinary official shall take an emergency measure to investigate and/or to control should there be any disease outbreak.

3. The ultimate import license (Form No. 7) will be issued when all imported animals have passed the prescribed tests, to release the animals to their final destination, at the completion of post-import in Thailand.




1)  A health certificate in English, signed or further endorsed by a full-time authorized veterinary official of the government of the exporting country, if it is previously acknowledged by a veterinary surgeon, stating:- 

        1.1) number and species , 
        1.2) breed, sex, age and color or animal identification, 
        1.3) name and address of the owner OR the kennel of origin, 
        1.4) certification of condition items (2) to (5).

2) The animals must come from an area where animal diseases are under control. They must be healthy, free from signs of any infectious and contagious diseases including ectoparasitism at the time of export and fit to travel.

3) The country must be Rabies-free for at least the past 12 (twelve) months OR the animals are vaccinated against Rabies with an official approved vaccine not less than 21 (twenty- one) days prior to the departure.

4) EITHER a) The dog is vaccinated against Leptospirosis at least 21(twenty-one) days preceding departure.
OR b) The dog is subjected to a test for Leptospirosis with negative result during the 30 (thirty) days prior to the departure.

5) The animals shall be vaccinated against other significant infectious or contagious diseases i.e. Distemper, Hepatitis, and Parvovirus, with an official approved vaccine at least 21 (twenty-one) days prior to the departure.

6) The animals must be transported in nose-and-paw proof crates designed to avoid any risk of injury or unnecessary suffering.

7) The animals are not allowed to be exposed to other animals if they have to be landed in transit at any approved intermediate port. They shall not be allowed to leave precinct of the port except to an officially approved transit quarantine area.

8) The animals are subjected to quarantine at approved premises for a period of at least 30 (thirty) days upon arrival during which they shall be submitted to tests and/or treatments as may be deemed necessary. The importer/owner shall be fully charged for the incurred expenses.

9) Failure to follow the import procedures may result in returning the animals to the country of origin or destroying without compensation.


For more information, please contact:
International Animal Quarantine Station (AQS)
Suvarnabhumi Airport
Tel (662) 134-0731 , (662) 134-0732
Fax (662) 134-0733
E-mail [email protected]