Immigration Regulation for Minor Travelling to South Africa

Immigration Regulation for Minor Travelling to South Africa

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 19 Jul 2017

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 26 Nov 2022

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1.                  This regulation is applicable to all minor, locals and foreigners alike, who are traveling from and to the Republic of South Africa and came into effect on 1 June 2015:

§     In a South African context a minor is under the age of 18

§  Minors are now required to travel with a valid passport and full birth certificate or equivalent document stating both parents’ names. If the child is travelling alone or with only one parent, then the child must also carry an affidavit filled out by the non-traveling parent/s. Herewith a link for the suggested affidavit

§  An affidavit is valid for 3 months from date of travel for departure or return in relation to the same journey regardless of the period of the journey, attestation can be done free of charge at any South African Embassy or mission in your country of residence.

§  In case of non-travelling parent is no longer in the child’s life,  a court order which shows full parental responsibilities and rights or legal guardian of the child have been granted will be acceptable.

§  If the non-travelling parent does not give consent and legally separated parents should also provide a court order when the other parent does not give consent.  (A court order granted in terms of section 18(5) of the Children’s Act, 2015, (Act No. 38 of 2005) which is a court order granting permission for the child to travel in the event that there is a dispute or no consent forthcoming from the parent/s of a child.)

§  What if the non-travelling parent has passed away please provide a death certificate.

§  In case of foreign national minors in possession of valid SA visas are not required to produce additional documents when travelling through, in which case they would have had to submit full birth certificate when applying for their SA visa. For visa exempted countries the parents have to produce a full birth certificate or an ‘Equivalent document’ containing the particulars of the child and his or her parent or parents, issued by the ‘competent authority’ of the country of origin on arrival at port of entry, if the full name of both parents is in the passport it can be used instead of full birth certificate. Herewith a link for the suggested format for equivalent document

§  All documents must be either original or copies certified as a true copy of the original by a commissioner of oaths or the equivalent commissioning authority.

§  Full birth certificate – or equivalent document – in other languages should be translated into English and certified its translation by the relevant authorities from issuing countries.